A man suspected to have raped two fresh students of the University Of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN, around 9am, last Saturday, has been arrested. The man and 5 others, who are said to be labourers cutting grass, allegedly raped the 100 level Microbiology students at Vet mountain inside the school campus. However, yesterday, Friday 15th of November 2018, one of them was caught by the Odim vigilante group, after many students identified him. See more
man suspected to have raped two fresh students of the University Of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN, around 9am, last Saturday, has been arrested.
The man and 5 others, who are said to be labourers cutting grass, allegedly raped the 100 level Microbiology students at Vet mountain inside the school campus.
However, yesterday, Friday 15th of November 2018, one of them was caught by the Odim vigilante group, after many students identified him
The man and 5 others, who are said to be labourers cutting grass, allegedly raped the 100 level Microbiology students at Vet mountain inside the school campus.
However, yesterday, Friday 15th of November 2018, one of them was caught by the Odim vigilante group, after many students identified him
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